S’MOREY JANES COOKIES with urbn leaf

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The smell of a campfire on the beach brings us back. A warm evening wind whips at the flames. The fire flashes orange against the darkening sky. Birds are flying somewhere to roost, and then something magical happens. Remember being a kid and having someone hand you a stick with a marshmallow skewered on the end to roast?

urbn leaf S'MOREY JANES COOKIES Cannabis-Infused 

Of course you do. S’mores magic ingredient is: memories.

 urbn leaf S'MOREY JANES COOKIES Cannabis-Infused

When we came together with Urbn Leaf, we wanted to capture that feeling of pulling a perfectly roasted marshmallow off with some milk chocolate and graham crackers to indulge in a perfect outdoor treat. For these Cannabis-Infused S’MOREY JANES Chocolate Chip and Marshmallow Cookies, each cookie has 10mg of THC to make your campfire memories that much sweeter.

 urbn leaf S'MOREY JANES COOKIES Cannabis-Infused

urbn leaf has seven gorgeous locations from Seaside to San Diego.

 urbn leaf S'MOREY JANES COOKIES Cannabis-Infused

Check out their website, HERE: urbn leaf